You are Invited: A Workshop for Filipino Remote Pros about Building a Savings Vault (June 29)

Remote Team,Workshops

For this month’s #BeBetter initiative of Proximity Outsourcing, we’re helping Filipino remote professionals get over one of their biggest hurdles in financial independence, HAVING SAVINGS!

In the Philippines, we have experienced generations of wrong conditioning about money + not a lot of good role models + social media pressures to spend on things that aren’t as important.

Some people (even millionaires!) still live on a month-to-month basis, with a few non-liquid investments maybe but are still secretly anxious of a sudden emergency, like a big hospital bill or a leak in the roof.

This is a very common situation in the Philippines.

We talked to other business owners and they shared that even managerial professionals with high salaries find it challenging to save and invest.

SO now we will try to change that! We want to inspire people that just because they have a job and a “limited income” they can still save and invest.

The key is doing this predictably, easily, and for the emotional rewards to continue carrying us through.

There are lessons and strategies that work, and our financial powerhouse, Val and Cathy of The Valuenaire Couple, generously offered their time to help our remote pro friends.


June 29 (Thursday) – 8:00AM EST / 8:00PM Philippine time

Private Zoom Link: Register here.

There is NO COST to join this workshop, and nothing to sell in the workshop.

If you want to sign up your team, please let them individually fill the reg form so they can get reminders and the link to join.

And if you could be a blessing to others, please share this workshop! 🙂

See you there!

  • Team Proximity (#BestInBusiness)

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You are Invited: A Workshop for Filipino Remote Pros about Building a Savings Vault (June 29)